Thursday, March 19, 2009

The only things we've done!

Yes you are viewing this right! We just took down the actual Christmas Tree on Monday! This is the story...the box got ruined when it snowed sometime in December and we thought "no big deal we'll just go get one of the tree bags they have at Costco, there better anyway". Well December flew by and we go look for a bag in the middle of January and guess what, we can't find anything. Well I did find some online but they were a little too pricey at the moment so we were going to wait until the Summer when he started Firefighting, but thank goodness for Mom's! She had one that they forgot to use so she took pity on us and let us have hers. Thanks Mom!

Trev just getting some exercise on the Golf Course

He's was running really goofy but of course stopped as soon as the camera came out.

Trev had really good hits on this whole! He was so happy!


Karalee Ann said...

That is so funny that your tree just barley came down! If that happened to us the tree would be in the garbage no matter how much it cost cuz that's just my husband for ya :)